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Preparing for your SMETA with Insite Compliance.

To help you prepare for your upcoming audit, we have created a SMETA pre-audit preparation page. This page will guide you through the process of registering as a Supplier with Sedex and instruct you on how to assign Insite as the audit firm for your upcoming SMETA.

Step One: If you have not yet registered with SEDEX, or you need to renew your memebrship follow the steps in the highlighted box to the right 'How to Register as a Supplier with Sedex.' 


Step Two: Once registered, you will need to assign Insite so we can upload reports into the Sedex Online system. See 'Assign Insite

Step Three: Visit our SMETA Pre-audit Resource Library for essential information and to access and download documents. Click here: SMETA Resource Library. 

Feel free to share this link with your team for review. And remember, we're here to help with any questions you may have. You're not alone in this process! 

How to Register as a Supplier  or Renew your membership with Sedex

  • Go to:
    and select your language
    on the home page.


  • Navigate to the 'Become
    a Member' tab, scroll down
    to the Supplier Membership


  • Choose to either 'Join' or 'Renew' your membership.

Assign Insite
How to Assign Insite as the auditing firm for your upcoming SMETA click here: Assign Insite

The Insite SMETA Documents Library
Click here: SMETA Documents Library.

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Follow these steps in the Sedex system to grant the Insite CSR Associate access to your Supplier Audit Questionnaire and enable us to upload your audit on Sedex:

  1. Enter the audit details by going to...?  

  2. Choose Insite as your audit firm for you upcoming SMETA

  3. Choose the person who will upload your audit (either from a pre-populated drop-down list called ‘auditor’  OR using details given by Insite.

  4. Ensure the box is checked to give Insite access to your Supplier Audit Questionnaire and to allow our auditor to upload the audit.

At the end of the audit, we can upload both the CAP and the audit report onto Sedex so that your clients (the ones you have linked to on Sedex) can review the report automatically.

Access a variety of helpful guidance documents to support you through the registration process on Sedex. We are committed to assisting you every step of the way. Explore our Documents and Resources Library as well as Sedex's global guidance documents here: THIS LINK DOESNT WORK 

Assign Insite

SMETA Resources and Document Library
Explore our SMETA Resources and Documents Library for valuable resources to help you prepare for your SMETA audit.


A SMETA is a widely used and accepted audit methodology and report format. It has 3 elements:

  • A common Best Practice Guidance on conducting ethical trade audits

  • A common audit report format

  • A common corrective action plan format.

These are available to both Sedex members and non-members on the public section of the Sedex website:

Key People

The Production Manager, Health & Safety Manager, or HR Manager should be the main point of contact the day of the audit. It is important for them to attend both the opening and closing meetings, along with union and worker representatives.

Audit Scope

The audit will involve an assessment of your production site including any accommodation provided against the following standards:

  • The national and local laws in your country of operation,

  • Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, covering the nine topics of labour standards and Health & Safety. 

    For more details click here to download: Document 5 B Audit Scope Full details of the audit methodology and the way in which the findings are reported are available publicly at

Required Documents

Part of the audit will include a detailed review of documents, such as time cards, payroll, wage slips, and personnel records.
​For more details click here to download: Document 5C Document Review

Worker Interviews

It will be necessary to interview a cross section of workers, approx. 5- 10% of the workforce. These interviews may be in groups or one to one. Management must not be present at these, to safeguard the confidentiality of individuals, and where interpreters are necessary there must be no links between the site and the interpreter to ensure total impartiality. For more details click here to download: Document 5E Principles of Worker Interview Information for Sites’

Auditor Impartiality 

As an additional support for good auditor conduct during an audit, auditors/audit companies are making available their own code of conduct for auditors, which describes the need for impartiality on behalf of the auditor. You are requested to sign this to confirm you have received and understood the content. For more details click here to download: Document 4:   


Where non-compliances are found we hope to agree both the corrective actions and the timescales at the end of the audit. For more details click here to download: Document 5J Non-Compliance Process and Sedex. You can also familiarise yourself with the documentation at:

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