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Audits & Asessments
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Audits and Assessments are conducted to evaluate the risks at a production facility and to determine if goods have been manufactured under fair labor conditions. These audit findings provide you with the information you need to make essential sourcing decisions and help to identify and address non-compliance issues such as hours of work, wages, fair and equal treatment, health and safety, and environmental concerns.



Insite audits assess labor, health and safety, environmental and business ethics standards at factories around the world.

Conducted against the compliance standards set forth by Insite, or our clients, social audits include opening and closing meetings with management, observation and physical inspection of the facility, comprehensive document and record review, and confidential worker interviews. We adhere to the International Labor Organization (ILO) standards, United Nations conventions, and regional laws and regulations, and take into consideration all known regional challenges and supplier histories. Using a multi-tiered approach, our compliance specialists employ current and effective auditing methods and techniques to corroborate evidence, applying the cultural sensitivity required for successful social audits. Further, our compliance specialists have the discipline to consider their own inherent cultural biases, biases that might otherwise cause them to overlook basic factory conditions.


Issue-Specific Audits target particular concerns, allowing for a more comprehensive investigation and provide an in-depth understanding of the steps needed to remediate a given issue.

Our recommendation to conduct an issue-specific audit is often based on known regional trends (e.g., reliance on migrant workers, a history of ethnic discrimination). It may also be based on a pattern of non-compliance findings for a given vendor/supplier, or an initial audit that calls for closer scrutiny. Issue-specific audits can be used to identify the root cause of uncovered discrimination, to address evidence of forced labor or to address ineffective health and safety procedures.


Remediation Verification Audits seek to ensure that all initial audit findings have been successfully addressed.

When issues of non-compliance are discovered, the Insite compliance specialist will report on the context of the finding (e.g., the severity, frequency, or location of the reported events), and provide recommended remediation steps. In some instances, suppliers may be able to satisfy the requirements of their remediation plans by submitting photographs or documentation; often, a follow-up onsite verification audit will be required.

Supply chain security is a concern for brands, retailers and their supply chain partners. Establishing and maintaining an effective supply chain security program can help reduce risk.

Insite provides onsite security assessments and counsels businesses on the development of effective supply chain security programs to meet the criteria of the U.S. Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism


Insite Compliance is an Affiliate Audit Company of SEDEX, a not-for-profit membership association that is dedicated to driving improvements in ethical and responsible business practices throughout global supply chains.

SMETA is conducted as a two- or four-pillar audit: two-pillar audits include health and safety and labor standards, while four-pillar audits include health and safety and labor standards, in addition to business ethics and expanded environment. Also assessed during a SMETA, but not reported on as a compliance issue, are suppliers’ understanding and management of Universal Human Rights.


Fire Safety Assessments focus specifically on fire precautions, a crucial aspect of overall factory safety worldwide.

Because fires can happen at any time, unannounced visits are especially important when it comes to assessing potential hazards. Our fire safety assessments provide a comprehensive review of a facility’s fire and electrical safety and diagnose where immediate or ongoing corrective actions need to occur. These visits consist of a comprehensive evaluation of the factory, warehouses, storage canteens, and dormitories, and focus on fire safety equipment and practices, building maintenance, fire equipment, and electrical equipment upkeep. During the assessment, any immediate concerns are addressed, and potential solutions are provided to factory management.


Management Systems Assessments get to the root cause of non-compliance issues rather than simply identifying the symptoms.

Management system deficiencies can be a key cause of non-compliance and may lead to systemic and potentially critical issues. All of our compliance specialists are trained to perform root cause analysis to discover underlying causes of non-compliance. To promote transparency they work directly with suppliers, providing them with all the tools they need for improvement and encouraging them to take ownership of the compliance process. At the conclusion of each assessment, Insite formulates a recommended strategy for narrowing any compliance gaps discovered during the factory visit.

Social Audit
Issue Specific
Security Assessment
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